Upgrading The Editor

From the beginning of Ghost’s life, there has always been one very common complaint from users: Why, oh why is there no spell-check?
*looks around uncomfortably*
We wanted to fix this one sooner, we really did, but the underlying code for our editor was preventing us from being able to do anything about it. Thankfully, we’ve managed to completely overhaul the editor and – while it looks largely the same – under the hood, it’s a whole new beast.
Now: Your browser’s built-in spell check function works (wohoo!).
Also: You can do mobile image uploads... and the scrolling doesn’t slow down any more with lots of text... and the scroll-position sync works better... and the cursor doesn’t get lost any more when navigating with keyboard arrows.
Basically it’s the same editor that you’re used to writing with, it just sucks a lot less. Which is a step in the right direction.
Ghost(Pro) users already have access to this feature right now, there’s nothing you need to do! Users running Ghost on their own servers can grab this feature by upgrading to Ghost 0.6.